Tag Archives: Charge Card


When was the last time you had the opportunity to walk into a store or shop online and get whatever you wanted or needed without thinking about who you had to pay back?  For many, it’s been quite a while.  It seems that once the urge to “charge” comes upon us that’s our first and last thought, “just charge it.”

How many times have you said, “I’ll pay more on the next bill when it comes in.”  Probably too many times.  The secret to getting out of debt is to honestly purpose in your heart that you don’t have to have everything that you see.  It seems childish to say, but it’s true.  Do you know that most people who look at what you have (and work with you or live in your neighborhood) can tell when you live above your means.  They know how to put two and two together.

The funny thing is that people are more impressed by people who drive the jalopy and live in the nice home than the person who lives in their luxury SUV and goes home to an impoverished area.  Why?  Because it shows where their priorities are.  It shows that they’d rather be in a comfortable home and have an old beat up vehicle than to pay $700 mo. for a vehicle that rapidly decreases in value.

So, this comes back to my question, “Do you want to be free?”  If so, begin to think “free”.  Come to grips with the fact that you do not need to buy everything you think you want.  When you begin to budget and save money to pay off your debts you will be amazed at how great it feels to pass up those extras and begin to breathe again.

HOW BADLY do you want to be free from debt?


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